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Whose Wheel? W. Ukraińska
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WHOSE Wheel? W. Ukraińska

svitlana Miroshnychenko, Natalia OLIYNYK

Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2023
Ilość stron: 16
ean: 978*****23731

Someone careless lost a wheel right in the middle of the beaten path! And the brave Hogwarshok calls for the help of Max's taxi to start a search operation. Together with the heroes of this book, readers will see different types of transport and look at big and small, wide and narrow wheels, learn about the existence of a unicycle, and they will also look for the one for whom the Hovrushka find is

will be a real gift! This story about adventure, friendship and mutual support will turn into an exciting game of hide and seek, so let's open the window and look for whose wheel it is!

[Kod oferty,564342,978*****2373*******12-16 01:11:49]
ID: 914329585

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Whose Wheel? W. Ukraińska

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