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The Discovery That Never Was, Martins Zutis
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THE Discovery That Never Was

martins ZUTIS

Rok wydania: 2018
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 32
ean: 978*****78091

Naturalist Karl Darwing notices the footprints of a one-legged creature in the snow. As the naturalist attempts to follow the trail and make a discovery, he is surprised to find the number of footmarks increasing. By the time Karl's guesses go as far as a ten-legged space alien or five bandits, he decides that the potential discovery is best given up for now. The reader can have the pleasure of getting to the bottom of things. Young readers can practise their counting and reading skills in this funny and educational book.

[Kod oferty,411271,978*****78091,2023-12-14 14:02:20]
ID: 914292050

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The Discovery That Never Was, Martins Zutis

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