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The Big Book Of Dinosaurs Ua, Claudia Martin
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THE Big Book Of Dinosaurs Ua

claudia MARTIN

Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2023
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 738
ean: 978*****28095

"The Big Book of Dinosaurs" is a real gift for everyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the most terrifying creatures that ever lived on Earth.

Young readers will get acquainted with the latest paleontological data:

what ancient lizards looked like and what size they were;

how real dinosaurs behaved when they attacked and defended themselves;

did they take care of the offspring and much more.

Vivid illustrations will allow you to immerse yourself in the prehistoric times of the Earth, when peaceful herds of migrating sauropods were subjected to fierce attacks by predatory theropods, formidable pterosaurs reigned supreme in the sky, and the ocean depths were full of toothy ichthyosaurs.

It is simply impossible to get to know the dinosaurs even closer!

[Kod oferty,5*******78966*****95,2023-12-16 00:17:26]
ID: 912968650

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The Big Book Of Dinosaurs Ua, Claudia Martin

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