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Vitamins my recipe for health - Beata Peszko
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2017

  • Stan: Nowe


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My recipe for health is not the first book by Beata Peszko about Health and the natural ways to achieve it

The author writes not only as a professional - pharmacist, but also as a person sharing her own experience and accomplishment on her journey to health

As a Wounded Healer, she draws the Reader's attention to absence of expert knowledge on the role of vitamins in humans health, on healthy nutrition and meditation, presenting detailed information on these matters
The author stresses the value of natural treatment in many chronic diseases, contrary to a common belief that drugs offered by pharmaceutical companies can be useful
Unfortunately, such drugs have very dangerous effects

The book clearly and convincingly presets details on how to recover using methods which are close to Nature, taking psychological factors into consideration as well

Time will show whether the appeal for research to uncover the cause of MS is successful
Until then, a healthy lifestyle in all aspects is worth all the effort, just as the books is worth a careful read

– Joanna Woyciechowska, PhD in Medicine, neurologist
ID: 917947272

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Vitamins my recipe for health - Beata Peszko

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