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  1. Strona główna
  2. Muzyka i Edukacja
  3. Książki
  4. Literatura
  5. Literatura - Dolnośląskie
  6. Literatura - Wrocław
  7. Literatura - Krzyki
The Valley Spirit - Lindsey Wei
The Valley Spirit - Lindsey Wei
The Valley Spirit - Lindsey Wei
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 2013

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Używane

  • Gatunek: Pozostałe


W ramach zbierania funduszy na operację i dalszą rehabilitację ręki sprzedaję książkę:
The Valley Spirit - Lindsey Wei
wydawnictwo Singing Dragon
str. 220
stan bdb - (wnętrze stan bdb, okładka -lekko przetarte narożniki)

Jeśli chcesz kupić ode mnie więcej rzeczy - skontaktuj się ze mną - zrobię wspólną jedną aukcję a Ty zaoszczędzisz na kosztach przesyłki

Opis książki:
A young woman, Lindsey Wei, graduates from high school in America and sets out to find her roots in China, questing for who she is and where her life path belongs. She discovers in herself a skill for martial arts and seeks the hidden knowledge of meditation. After three years of study in various martial styles and unveiling false teachers, she is finally led to the ancient Wudang Mountains. Here she meets a Daoist recluse, Li Shi Fu, who has renounced the world of the 'red dust' and long since retired into an isolated temple to cast oracles and read the stars. The coming together of these two extraordinary characters, master and disciple, begins a spiritual relationship taking the young adept on an unforgettable journey through the light and dark sides of modern China and deep into herself. Battling between earthly desires and heavenly knowledge, she makes the transformation into a dynamic and complete woman.

A coming-of-age, personal account, the book describes the lived experiences of a profoundly sincere, bitter yet ultimately liberating female quest. It is written for anyone who ponders the true meaning of Chinese wisdom and the way of the Dao in the hope of discovering a deeper strength within themselves.
ID: 886169680

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