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The Srebrnys on the Road to Independence - Michał Konarski, Hubert Ro
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2021

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


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The Srebrnys are an ordinary Polish family whose story overlaps with the history of Poland, artificially divided among three partitioning powers
Its members take part in successive independence uprisings - how could it be otherwise? Grandpa Melchior fought in the January Uprising of 1863
Three representatives of the young generation - Kacper, Mikołaj and Jan - also take part in the fight for Poland?s independence 120 years after its loss
In 1914 - 1920, each follows his own long and winding path to a free Fatherland, fighting on different fronts and battlefields thousands of kilometres apart - from the French fields of Verdun to Ukrainian Odessa on the Black Sea
Each has his passion: horses, cars or aeroplanes
Meanwhile, they all share an Uhlan imagination and a resilience that only the Srebrnys can boast of in addition to their insurrectionary tradition and hunger for a free Poland passed down from generation to generation
This is the force that eventually brings all of the Srebrny cousins together in the ranks of the reborn Polish Army on the eve of one of the most important battles in the history of the world
What happens after is material for another story
ID: 919338294

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The Srebrnys on the Road to Independence - Michał Konarski, Hubert Ro

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