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Taste Berry-Tales: Stories to Lift the Spirit, Fill the Heart and..
Taste Berry-Tales: Stories to Lift the Spirit, Fill the Heart and..
Taste Berry-Tales: Stories to Lift the Spirit, Fill the Heart and..
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 1998

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Używane

  • Tematyka: Zdrowie i styl życia


Taste Berry-Tales
Stories to Lift the Spirit, Fill the Heart and Feed the Soul
Bettie B. Youngs

Książka w jęz. angielskim

Wyd. Health Communications 1998
235 stron
Okł. miękka
Stan dobry (dwie pieczątki na 2 tytułowych stronach)

There is a fruit called the Richardella-dulcisica, better known as the taste-berry. When eaten, it causes the taste buds to experience all food eaten afterwards -- even distasteful food -- as sweet and delicious. There are people who, through their love and compassion, make the lives of those with whom they come in contact better. Like the taste-berry, these people can turn a sour day into a joyful adventure.
In a time when many of us have stopped believing in the goodness of humanity, we need to remind ourselves that though there is dissonance in the world, there is even more peace, kindness and love. In Taste-Berry Tales, Bettie B. Youngs inspires readers with 25 poignant short stories of real-life people who make a difference in the lives of others. These individuals, by their example, show us how to use the events of daily life to improve the world we live in and the lives of others with whom we share it.

When we help others by sharing the sweetness of life's joys and easing the bitterness of its losses, we become, in the best sense of the words, "our brothers' keepers." Youngs plays this role for readers, showing them a world that is full of hope. Everyone who reads this book will discover that their dreams are not only possible, but also more glorious than they ever realized.
ID: 917754945

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Taste Berry-Tales: Stories to Lift the Spirit, Fill the Heart and..

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