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  5. Płyty DVD - Kujawsko-pomorskie
  6. Płyty DVD - Kowal
Starbuck dvd Patrick Huard
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  • Stan: Nowe


Szczegóły techniczne
Czas wykonania ‎1 godzina oraz 49 minuty
Liczba płyt ‎1
Aktorzy ‎Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton, Antoine Bertrand, Dominic Philie, Marc Bélanger
Studio ‎Signature Entertainment
Opis produktu
French-Canadian comedy directed by Ken Scott and starring Patrick Huard. David Wozniak (Huard) is into his forties but still an eternal teenager, he owes a lot of money and isn't very successful. But his life's just going to get even more eventful... after donating sperm a number of years before, he has now been approached by the fertility clinic and told that 142 of his 533 biological children would like to meet their biological dad. Not only that, his current girlfriend, Valérie (Julie LeBreton), is also pregnant, yet feels David isn't mature enough to be a father.
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liczba dostępnych egzemplarzu 5
ID: 834573120

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