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Small farms managed by young farmers under new - Wawrzyniec Czubak, K
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2023

  • Stan: Nowe


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The Farm - to Fork strategy, being an essential part of the European Green Deal (EGD), aims at accelerating the transition toward sustainable food systems that can ensure food security while reducing food systems' environmental and climate footprint and increasing their resilience at the same time
Many EU working documents emphasise the benefits of the EGD strategy for the farmers, food industry, and costumers; however, it is also reported that the strategy may have negative impacts on European agriculture, including a reduction in agricultural production and a decrease in the income of agricultural producer
On the one hand, due to production scale and age constrains, small farms managed by young farmers could be strongly affected by the consequences of Green Deal strategies
On the other hand, a long - term business perspective, as well as human capital, are crucial factors affecting the successful implementation of the Farm - to - Fork strategy
Both issues are embodied in young farmers
The general idea of the book is to identify the long - term viability of small farms managed by young farmers under the Farm - to - Fork strategy in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Lithuania
ID: 918612238

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Leo Land

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Small farms managed by young farmers under new - Wawrzyniec Czubak, K

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