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ONE TASTE, Integral Spirituality, Ken WILBER, HIT!
ONE TASTE, Integral Spirituality, Ken WILBER, HIT!
ONE TASTE, Integral Spirituality, Ken WILBER, HIT!
ONE TASTE, Integral Spirituality, Ken WILBER, HIT!
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2000

  • Stan: Używane



Trudno dostępna na polskim rynku!

Książka po angielsku.

Zakładka do książki w prezencie.

"One Taste" / "Jeden Smak" oferuje niepowtarzalny wgląd w prywatny świat Kena Wilbera i jego badania nad duchowością integralną, która łączy mądrość wielkich tradycji duchowych z największymi osiągnięciami współczesnej wiedzy.

As one who has written extensively about the interior life, meditation, and psychotherapy, Ken Wilber-the leading theorist in the field of integral psychology-naturally arouses the curiosity of his numerous readers. In response to this curiosity, this one-year diary not only offers an unprecedented entrée into his private world, but offers an introduction to his essential thought. "If there is a theme to this journal," Wilber writes, "it is that body, mind, and the luminosities of the soul-all are perfect expressions of the Radiant Spirit that alone inhabits the universe, sublime gestures of that Great Perfection that alone outshines the world."

Wilber's personal writings include:

- Details of his own spiritual practice,
- Advice to spiritual seekers,
- Reflections on his work and that of other prominent theorists in the field of integral psychology,
- His day-to-day personal experiences,
- Dozens of his short theoretical essays on topics from art to feminism to spirituality to psychotherapy.

Niewielkie ślady użytkowania na okładce (lekko zagięte rogi, małe przybrudzenia brzegu kartek). Środek w bardzo dobrym stanie!

Wydawnictwo: Shambhala
ISBN: 978********-547-3
Format: 15 x 22,5 cm
Ilość stron: 356
Okładka: miękka

Zachęcam do zakupu i zapraszam na inne moje aukcje!
ID: 882757308

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ONE TASTE, Integral Spirituality, Ken WILBER, HIT!

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