Dodaj ogłoszenie
  1. Strona główna
  2. Muzyka i Edukacja
  3. Książki
  4. Podręczniki szkolne
  5. Podręczniki szkolne - Małopolskie
  6. Podręczniki szkolne - Kraków
  7. Podręczniki szkolne - Czyżyny
On issues of education, prevention and. - Sławomir Śliwa, Zenon Jasiń
  • Firmowe

  • Stan: Nowe


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„(…) This publication fits well in the spaces of broadly understood education in connection with prevention and therapy, as well as with rehabilitation (however, the book is dominated by the issue of therapy) in contemporary society, functioning in the face of multiple systemic transformations and communication technologies
The range of considerations and interdisciplinarity of the threads in a special way enriches the current of discussion and research on evaluation of quality improvement in the scope of issues raised in the reviewed book, prepared for printing
The studies presented for review meet the condition of thematic coherence, and they also trigger intensified impulses in multiple spaces of contemporary therapeutic pedagogy oriented theoretically and practically to various levels and subjects of education”

Professor Jan Grzesiak, (Professor at the State Vocational Academy in Konin)
ID: 918699679

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On issues of education, prevention and. - Sławomir Śliwa, Zenon Jasiń

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