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Homemade bread w.ukraińska - I. Yarsa
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2022

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


In this book, Iban Yarsa, a well-known popularizer of homemade bread baking, food blogger, author of several books about bread, journalist and translator, tells about everything he has learned over the years devoted to his passion. as follows: the main ingredients and methods that you should know in order to bake delicious bread; more than 30 recipes using basic techniques, presented in three thematic sections - each one explains a new technique or method, the recipes are accompanied by step-by-step photos and cooking options, recommendations of modern bakers, connoisseurs of home-made bread and popularizers of a thousand-year-old tradition, at the end of the book there is a section with answers to common questions that arise for those who take up baking bread at home, and a small, handy glossary.
ID: 905809719

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Homemade bread w.ukraińska - I. Yarsa

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