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Faces of Populism in Central and South - Eastern. - red. Haris Dajc,
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2023

  • Stan: Nowe


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Populism is one of the most frequently used terms in contemporary political debates and the media
This elusive and difficult - to - measure phenomenon became also highly politicised both in Europe and around the world
The dichotomy between pure people and the corrupted elite characterises all populist movements and actors, and so this book focuses on particular features that connect populist actors in the post - communist countries of Central and South - Eastern Europe
The volume gathers chapters analysing the phenomenon of populism in Central and South - Eastern Europe from multidisciplinary perspectives
The aim is to map and understand the peculiarities of populism in the region seen from the perspective of political science, economy, history, and cultural studies
The book is a result of cooperation between researchers working on a project entitled Populist Rebellion against Modernity in 21st - century Eastern Europe: Neo - Traditionalism and Neo - Feudalism (POPREBEL)
The project is funded by the European Commissions Horizon 2020 scheme and aims to analyse the rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe
POPREBEL is run by a consortium of six European universities: University College London, Jagiellonian University, Charles University, University of Tartu, Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Belgrade, and the think tank Edgeryders
- Haris Dajc, Natasza Styczyńska
ID: 917930201

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