Dodaj ogłoszenie
  1. Strona główna
  2. Muzyka i Edukacja
  3. Książki
  4. Podręczniki szkolne
  5. Podręczniki szkolne - Małopolskie
  6. Podręczniki szkolne - Kraków
  7. Podręczniki szkolne - Czyżyny
English for students of electronics and computer.. - Barbara Kowalczy
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2018

  • Stan: Nowe


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This book is addressed to students of electronics and computer science at upper intermediate and advanced levels (B2 - C2)
It is designed as a resource book for academic teachers who are interested in stimulating their students' desire to acquire the linguistic skills necessary to talk about issues related to electronics and computer science in English

There are 12 units in the book, each based on a particular theme
The units are comprised of text - based activities, which focus on the acquisition and consolidation of the thematic vocabulary as well as stimulate discussions and develop confidence in using English when speaking about electronics and computer science
At the end of the book a key and glossary can be found covering the answers to the exercises, instructions how to use the material in particular units and the English - Polish translation of the key vocabulary

This book is a modest attempt to bridge the gap between the subject matter of electronics and computer science and the indispensable tool to practise it - the English language
ID: 918793066

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English for students of electronics and computer.. - Barbara Kowalczy

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