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Destination B1 Książka ucznia z kluczem + eBook - praca zbiorowa
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Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B1 level exam
The book contains 28 grammar units and 14 vocabulary units covering a wide range of exercise types, including those found in PET
This is the With Key edition containing an answer key and seven extra photocopiable tests
Get to know Destination Grammar and Vocabulary SeriesA modern three - level vocabulary and grammar practice series
A modern, three - level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level
The up - to - date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level
These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams
Each grammar unit begins with a clear one - page presentation of grammar rules and examples followed by carefully graded exercises providing students with reference and practice opportunities all in one place
A wide range of exercises, including those found in the Cambridge English exams, ensures students practise the task types they will encounter in the exams
The topic - based vocabulary units open with presentation tables showing topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation and word patterns while the accompanying activities offer systematic practice of the target language and vocabulary
The reference and practice material, including a unit - by - unit glossary of vocabulary with definitions and example sentences from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary, provides students with additional support
The series includes fourteen 2 - page reviews and two 4 - page progress tests, providing extensive opportunities for consolidation of grammar and vocabulary skills

Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B1 level exam
The book contains 28 grammar units and 14 vocabulary units covering a wide range of exercise types, including those found in PET
This is the With Key edition containing an answer key and seven extra photocopiable tests
Get to know Destination Grammar and Vocabulary SeriesA modern three - level vocabulary and grammar practice series
A modern, three - level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level
The up - to - date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level
These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams
Each grammar unit begins with a clear one - page presentation of grammar rules and examples followed by carefully graded exercises providing students with reference and practice opportunities all in one place
A wide range of exercises, including those found in the Cambridge English exams, ensures students practise the task types they will encounter in the exams
The topic - based vocabulary units open with presentation tables showing topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation and word patterns while the accompanying activities offer systematic practice of the target language and vocabulary
The reference and practice material, including a unit - by - unit glossary of vocabulary with definitions and example sentences from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary, provides students with additional support
The series includes fourteen 2 - page reviews and two 4 - page progress tests, providing extensive opportunities for consolidation of grammar and vocabulary skills

Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B1 level exam
The book contains 28 grammar units and 14 vocabulary units covering a wide range of exercise types, including those found in PET
This is the With Key edition containing an answer key and seven extra photocopiable tests
Get to know Destination Grammar and Vocabulary SeriesA modern three - level vocabulary and grammar practice series
A modern, three - level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level
The up - to - date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level
These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams
Each grammar unit begins with a clear one - page presentation of grammar rules and examples followed by carefully graded exercises providing students with reference and practice opportunities all in one place
A wide range of exercises, including those found in the Cambridge English exams, ensures students practise the task types they will encounter in the exams
The topic - based vocabulary units open with presentation tables showing topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation and word patterns while the accompanying activities offer systematic practice of the target language and vocabulary
The reference and practice material, including a unit - by - unit glossary of vocabulary with definitions and example sentences from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary, provides students with additional support
The series includes fourteen 2 - page reviews and two 4 - page progress tests, providing extensive opportunities for consolidation of grammar and vocabulary skills
ID: 917820418

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Destination B1 Książka ucznia z kluczem + eBook - praca zbiorowa

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