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Business Without Bosses - Charles C. Manz
Business Without Bosses - Charles C. Manz
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Business Without Bosses - Charles C. Manz
Tytuł: Business Without Bosses: How Self-Managing Teams Are Building High- Performing Companies
Autor: Charles C. Manz
Wydawnictwo: Wiley
Rok wydania: 1995
Okładka: miękka
Liczba stron: 238
Język: angielski
ISBN: 978*****27253

Książka nosi ślady użytkowania, może wewnątrz być poopisywana ołówkiem.

An inside view of self-managed teams at different levels of development in a variety of manufacturing and service organizations. Shows how these organizations used self-managing teams to increase their productivity and improve quality. In-depth treatment demonstrates how others did it and the problems they encountered. Contains invaluable advice on how to make this type of team work.
ID: 814867401

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Business Without Bosses - Charles C. Manz

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