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Boker Tov JCC Warsaw Kosher vegetarian recipes. - Maryla Musidłowska
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2021

  • Stan: Nowe


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„Boker Tov” is Hebrew for good day, and is a popular name for Israeli hummus bars and coffee shops
We chose this name for our Sunday brunches at the Warsaw JCC to make it clear that we would be serving hummus rather than stuffed goose gizzard
From the outset we served vegetable - rich, fully vegetarian food
We also obtained a kosher certificate from Rabbi Schudrich, so that any Jew, even those who kept strictly to the kashrut laws, could join our shared feasts
For six years, uninterrupted until the outbreak of the pandemic, we ran a kosher Sunday milk bar at the JCC open to all those in the know
We welcomed everyone, from impoverished students to Oscar laureates
Hairdressers and philosophers, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, atheists and Jehovah's Witnesses sat shoulder - to - shoulder, sharing the food that we brought up on platters like at a country wedding
We created a stash of anecdotes and several dozen great recipes that we want to share with you
Play around with them, add your own, jot down stories, color in Natan's pictures
This is your „Book For Writing”
And we hope to see you too one day at our generously laden table!
ID: 917927408

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Dodane 10 września 2024

Boker Tov JCC Warsaw Kosher vegetarian recipes. - Maryla Musidłowska

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