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Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implement
Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implement
Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implement
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 2013

  • Stan: Używane


Do sprzedania książka
Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation (Munwar Shariff)

stan bardzo dobry, praktycznie nie używana.


Alfresco 4 has improved a lot with its new and advanced concepts for content management. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with security, dashboards, and the configuration features of Alfresco 4. Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation is a well-crafted and easy-to-use book, and it is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management for your business needs using Alfresco 4. It covers the enhanced document management, integration with standard productivity tools, and various integration options with proven external applications. This book will take you through a number of clear, practical sections that will help you to make a proper decision for your business needs using standard practices with Alfrescos Document Management and various third-party integrationsYou will learn how to install, administer, and manage your entire application. The concepts of mapping your business documents by extending content models and achieving your complex business process using Workflow models and business rules will be discussed in this book. Integration with various third party tools like MS Office, Mobile Application, Outlook, Liferay, Ephesoft, and Kofax will also be covered. You will learn to create your own custom workflow using Activiti BPMN 2.0 Process Designer and also maintain and administrate the entire application. This book explains everything you need to know to manage your documents using standard processes and mechanisms.

Autor: Shah Snehal, Shariff Munwar, Avatani Rajesh
Wymiary: 215 x 280 x 30
Ilość stron: 490
Język wydania: Angielski

Możliwość wysyłki lub odbioru osobistego we Wrocławiu w okolicy Mostu Osobowickiego
ID: 509974555

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