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  1. Strona główna
  2. Muzyka i Edukacja
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  4. Literatura
  5. Literatura - Małopolskie
  6. Literatura - Kraków
  7. Literatura - Czyżyny
About magic and spells. The most beautiful. UA - told by Stefania Leo
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2022

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


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All children adore fairy tales about magical transformations, evil witches and good fairies
The stories collected by the Brothers Grimm, Clemens Brentano and the French storyteller Madame d'Honoit enchant, impress and teach children to be sincere, generous and brave
White - armed and Red - armed, Princess Babiola , the Elf prince, the white kitty and other characters come to life on the pages of the book thanks to the magical illustrations
So you will definitely want to reread these twelve tales over and over again to return to the atmosphere of the magic of the book world
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About magic and spells. The most beautiful. UA - told by Stefania Leo

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