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Grandma's Bedtime Stories W. Ukraińska, A. Casalis
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GRANDMA'S Bedtime Stories W. Ukraińska


Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2022
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 48
ean: 978*****22741

Every evening, Grandma Bear and Grandma Rabbit tell their grandchildren interesting tales about other animals. These stories cause laughter and affection, and also make you think about the fact that you need to learn all your life and not be afraid of obstacles, strive to be kind, skillful, hardworking and at least a little obedient. Listen to their stories too: sit down comfortably between the bears and bunnies, rub your ears and get ready to fall asleep to the sounds of an evening fairy tale

[Kod oferty,49988******669822741,2024-01-26 12:08:37]
ID: 897113135

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Grandma's Bedtime Stories W. Ukraińska, A. Casalis

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