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20030, Balmax VitaGran /  200g
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20030, Balmax VitaGran / гранулы для рыб / 200g
granule size: 0,5-1,2 mm

Wysoka strawność
Niski poziom zanieczyszczeń
Wysoka zawartość witaminy C
Z dodatkiem BIO-MOS® wspomagającym układ immunologiczny
Zastosowanie: Balmax VitaGran to bogata w składniki odżywcze, kompletna karma dla wszystkich popularnych mniejszych gatunków ryb tropikalnych. Pokarm częściowo tonie pozostając na różnych głębokościach, reszta unosi się przez pewien czas na powierzchni. Dzięki temu ryby zyskują łatwy dostęp do pokarmu.
Balmax VitaGran nadaje się w szczególności dla tetr, pawich oczek i innych małych gatunków tropikalnych.
Balmax VitaGran is a nutrient-rich complete granulated diet for all common smaller tropical fish.
Balmax VitaGran partially sinks, with different velocities, while the other part temporarily floats on the surface. In this way, the fish can easily take up the granules. This granulate is suitable for tetras, guppies and other smaller tropical species.
Slow-sinking granules Balmax VitaGran - are a basic, complete and nutritious feed for growing juvenile fish and subsequent feeding of adult tropical fish. When feeding, some of the granules sink quickly, some slowly, and some remain floating on the surface for some time, which allows you to feed fish with different types of nutrition and habitat horizons. Easily absorbed and does not pollute water.

The range of produced food includes fractions from the smallest 0.2-0.5 mm, which is well suited for feeding, for example, guppy fry from the first day, to the largest 1.2-2.2 mm, quite suitable for feeding adult angelfish.
- high protein content of 47% ensures rapid growth of your fish with the correct proportions
- included in the composition: spirulina, paprika and wheat germ improve digestion, provide vitamins and minerals
- Contains BIO-MOS®, which is a mannan oligosaccharide and binds opportunistic pathogens, allowing them to pass through the intestinal tract and preventing colonization. This creates optimal conditions for the growth of intestinal flora. BIO-MOS® also helps increase the length and density of microvilli in the intestines, which in turn can improve nutrient absorption. Bio-Mos supports the immune response of fish.
Ingredients: fish meal, soy protein concentrate, poultry meal, lecithin, fish oil, yeast products, rapeseed oil
Ingredients and vitamins: protein 47%, crude fat 10%, fiber 1%, ash 10.3%, phosphorus 1.76%, calcium 2.2%, vitamin A 14000IU/kg, vitamin D3 2168IU/kg, iron 84mg/kg, iodine 7mg /kg, copper 7mg/kg, manganese 28mg/kg, zinc 84mg/kg
Pokarm rozważany jest w worki zgrzewane. W worku znajduje się cały pokarm jak i drobny powstały z kruszenia się pokarmu.

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ID: 901967095

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20030, Balmax VitaGran / 200g

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